Welcome and Mission

Welcome to the web home of the Engineering Physics program at the University of Kansas. If you love science, math and engineering, this is the place for you. In our interdisciplinary program students prepare themselves for life in the 21st century. Students work with faculty from both the Department of Physics and Astronomy and the School of Engineering. They can have cutting edge research experiences that run the gamut from A (Automobiles) to Z (Z bosons).
If you have any questions about the program that aren't answered on the web site, please contact us at ephx@ku.edu.
Chris Fischer
Director, Engineering Physics
The Engineering Physics degree program shares the mission of the University of Kansas School of Engineering — to give our students a high-quality educational experience; to generate and apply knowledge through research, development, and scholarly activity; and to serve society, the state of Kansas, and the engineering profession.
Learn more about the Engineering Physics degree program objectives and outcomes.